วันจันทร์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

How to Draw a Monstrous Nightmare

The success of the 3D animation movie 'How to Train Your Dragon' has regenerated public interest in the original novel by Cressida Cowell. Nearly all of its lead characters have become a craze among children. This does not apply only to the protagonists, but also the main villains, the Monstrous Nightmare dragon breed. These destructive creatures reflect their true nature in their appearance. If your wish to portray a Monstrous Nightmare in action on your drawing board, you need a very good understanding of proportions and alignments. The following systematic guide is designed to help you bring the 'villain' on your drawing board:

• Inspiration. Consider obtaining an image of a Monstrous Nightmare, which you can use as a reference for your work. You are more likely to get 'Fireworm,' the leading dragon of this genre. The picture will serve two main purposes. Firstly, it will ensure that you do not become lost somewhere in between, especially, as these characters are new to the audience. Secondly, you will be able to replicate its finer details. You can make it simple by picking an easy to draw image or by simplifying the background scene.

• Base drawing. You do not need drawing instruments to develop a frame sketch. Primarily, the Monstrous Nightmare shall be a combination of circles, curves, and lines. Study the body position and posture of the creature. Keep in mind the overall size of the figure and the relative proportions of the different components. Draw with a freehand. Start with a small circle for the head portion. On the lower side of it, extend a U-shape for its jaw. Draw a long curve that begins with the circle, follows the centre of the figure, and ends at the tip of the tail. Mark the position of legs through two short, angular lines. Similarly, mark two angular lines covering the wingspan.

• Details. Taking the top-down approach, draw the outlines for the eye and the nose area. Now, begin adding the eye details, nostrils, and pointed spikes on the top of the head. Draw sharp teeth and a tongue in the portion outlined for the jaws. Add body to the neck area and remember to draw spikes. Increase the thickness of the wing lines and create large bat-like wings. Next, sketch the abdomen, legs, and tail. Have an eye for details and do not miss features, like claws, rib lines, and striped pattern on the body, to mention some.

• Shading and colors. It will be a better option to color your drawing, instead of shading it with pencil. This way you can produce such dramatic effects of fiery tones and light, which would not be possible otherwise. Use black, browns, and reds to highlight the contours and you are done!

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